May 2, 2019
The importance of Cabaret is obvious when one takes a good look around the world and the socio-political atmosphere most of the world is living in. This musical begins by enticing the audience into buying into the glam and hedonism surrounding them. As the show progresses, the danger of apathy begins to rise to a fever pitch. Cabaret takes place just before the rise of Hitler in the late Weimar Germany.
The main characters are all lost in their self-absorbed political indifference right up until the main character is assaulted for not being a pawn of the Nazi party. Cliff Bradshaw, the traveling American novelist nearly begs his lover Sally to open her eyes to the changes that are happening and urges her to come away with him back to America to avoid what appears to be on the horizon. “Politics? But what has that to do with us?” Sally says.
The Coronado Playhouse does Cabaret justice with passionate cast members, a tight band, and an inviting “Klub” atmosphere that makes you feel like you are apart of the show. This is aided sufficiently by the cocktail table seating arrangement common in this venue.
As I have before, I won’t choose favorites, but credit is owed where due! I’d like to commend the following performances: (In no particular order)
HUNTER BROWN (Emcee) - The charm poured into this character fits well. Hunter walks the balance of hedonist-with-a-dark-side perfectly. From his ghastly grin to the way he slinks about in the background; this was a stellar performance.
SUSAN BOLAND (Fräulein Schneider) – I really enjoyed this performance from Susan. Her acting is so believable, she could be your neighbor. I was genuinely heartbroken when she wouldn’t take Herr Schultz as her husband.
SARAH ALIDA LECLAIR (Sally Bowles) - In a musical full of German accents (kudos!), Sarah’s performance of Sally felt natural. She grabbed the audience’s attention immediately and had no problem keeping it every time she was on stage.
There's no way to thank everyone for such grand performances, but here's my sincere "Thank you". This is an important musical that serves as a less than subtle reminder that people with power will abuse those who let them and our disregard or obliviousness to these slights end with violence and destruction.

Overly dramatic IT Professional